Race Calendar

Date Race URL Distance State Country
1/18/2025 Coldwater Rumble https://ultrasignup.com/results_event.aspx?did=85460 50K AZ USA
1/18/2025 Daufuskie Island Marathon https://www.daufuskieislandmarathon.com/ 26.2 SC USA
1/18/2025 Museum of Aviation Marathon https://museumofaviation.org/moaevents/marathon-half-marathon-5k-and-para-athletes/ 26.2 GA USA
1/18/2025 Pemberton Trail 50K / 25K https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=114990 26.2 AZ USA
1/19/2025 Bermuda Triangle Challenge https://www.bermudatrianglechallenge.com/ 26.2 OTH USA
1/19/2025 Carlsbad Marathon https://inmotionevents.com/event/carlsbad-marathon/ 26.2 CA USA
1/19/2025 Carlsbad Marathon, Half Marathon https://inmotionevents.com/event/carlsbad-marathon/ 26.2 CA USA
1/19/2025 Chevron Houston Marathon https://www.chevronhoustonmarathon.com/ 26.2 TX USA
1/19/2025 Hudson Beeks Birthday Run https://www.hudsonbeeks.com/2025%20Races/Birthday%20Run%202025.html 26.2 WA USA
1/19/2025 Jekyll Island Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/GA/JekyllIsland/JekyllIslandMarathonHalfMarathonand10k 26.2 GA USA
1/19/2025 Louisiana Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/LA/BatonRouge/TheLouisianaMarathon?rsus= 26.2 LA USA
1/19/2025 Louisiana Marathon https://www.thelouisianamarathon.com/Race/Info/LA/BatonRouge/TheLouisianaMarathon 26.2 LA USA
1/19/2025 Maui Oceanfront Marathon https://www.mauioceanfrontmarathon.com/ 26.2 HI USA
1/19/2025 Redding Marathon https://reddingmarathon.org/ 26.2 CA USA
1/23/2025 Aloha Series Day 1 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/aloha/ 26.2 HI USA
1/24/2025 Aloha Series Day 2 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/aloha/ 26.2 HI USA
1/25/2025 Aloha Series Day 3 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/aloha/ 26.2 HI USA
1/25/2025 Arches Ultra https://www.madmooseevents.com/arches-ultra 50K UT USA
1/25/2025 Big Beach Marathon, Half Marathon & Safari 7K https://runsignup.com/Race/AL/GulfShores/BigBeachMarathon 26.2 AL USA
1/25/2025 Bigfoot Snowshoe Festival 5,10,15,25,50K and 26.2M 10K, 15K, 25K, 26,2M, 50K http://squawpeak50.com/bigfoot-homepage/ 26.2 UT USA
1/25/2025 Classic City Marathon https://classiccitymarathon.squarespace.com/ 26.2 GA USA
1/25/2025 Oracle Rumble 50M/50K https://runazt.org/oracle-rumble/ 50K AZ USA
1/25/2025 Papa Loco Marathon & Half Marathon http://www.papalocoraces.com/ 26.2 AR USA
1/25/2025 Red Rock Canyon Marathon https://www.calicoracing.com/events/red-rock-canyon/ 26.2 NV USA
1/25/2025 Sun Marathon https://www.sunmarathon.com/ 26.2 UT USA
1/25/2025 Tukwila To Alki Marathon and Half Marathon http://greenrivermarathon.com/results/2025_Tukwila_To_Alki.html 26.2 WA USA
1/25/2025 Yuma Territorial Marathon http://www.caballeros.org/yuma-marathon/ 26.2 AZ USA
1/26/2025 Aloha Series Day 4 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/aloha/ 26.2 HI USA
1/26/2025 Celebration Marathon https://www.celebrationmarathon.com 26.2 FL USA
1/26/2025 Clearwater Marathon & Running Festival https://www.millenniumrunning.com/clearwater/ 26.2 FL USA
1/26/2025 Marrakech Marathon https://marrakechmarathon.com/ 26.2 MAR MAR
1/26/2025 ONU Polar Bear Indoor Marathon https://www.onusports.com/sports/mtrack/marathon/index 26.2 OH USA
2/1/2025 Elephant Mountain Trail Runs https://www.aravaiparunning.com/drt-series/elephant-mountain/ 50K AZ USA
2/1/2025 Green River Half Marathon AND DOUBLE HALF MARATHON (FULL) http://greenrivermarathon.com/results/2025_Green_River_Half_Marathon.html 26.2 WA USA
2/1/2025 John Dick Memorial 50k https://johndickmemorial50k.blogspot.com/ 50K WI USA
2/1/2025 MISSISSIPPI RIVER MARATHON https://msrivermarathon.raceroster.com/ 26.2 AR USA
2/2/2025 Donna Marathon https://breastcancermarathon.com/donna-marathon-weekend/ 26.2 FL USA
2/2/2025 Miami Marathon https://www.themiamimarathon.com/marathon/ 26.2 FL USA
2/2/2025 Surf City Marathon https://www.runsurfcity.com 26.2 CA USA
2/2/2025 Tallahassee Marathon https://www.tallahasseemarathon.com/ 26.2 FL USA
2/8/2025 Black Canyon Ultras 100K https://aravaiparunning.com/network/blackcanyon/ 100K AZ USA
2/8/2025 Mesa Marathon https://mesamarathon.com/race-day/ 26.2 AZ USA
2/8/2025 The Algonquin https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=114932 50K MD USA
2/9/2025 Black Canyon Ultras 50K https://aravaiparunning.com/network/blackcanyon/ 50K AZ USA
2/9/2025 Galveston Marathon https://galvestonmarathon.com/ 26.2 TX USA
2/9/2025 Publix Florida Marathon https://thefloridamarathon.com/ 26.2 FL USA
2/9/2025 St Petersburg Distance Classic https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/SaintPetersburg/StPetersburgDistanceClassic 26.2 FL USA
2/15/2025 Dalmatian Run Fest – Day 1 – Rescue Rover Marathon & Ultra https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/Bedford/DalmatianRunFest 26.2 TX USA
2/15/2025 Fort Yargo Thrill in the hills http://www.dirtyspokes.com/thrill-in-the-hills/ 50K GA USA
2/15/2025 Run Oak Island https://coastalraceproductions.com/race/run-oak-island-2025 26.2 NC USA
2/15/2025 Sandhills Trail Race Series https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/Columbia/Sandhills 50K SC USA
2/16/2025 Austin Marathon https://eventdog.com/a/eventpage.php?eID=58961&refdata=eventcalendarracedirectorshq 26.2 TX USA
2/16/2025 Dalmatian Run Fest – Day 2 – Puppy Power Marathon & Ultra https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/Bedford/DalmatianRunFest 26.2 TX USA
2/16/2025 Hilton Head Marathon https://hhmarathon.com/ 26.2 SC USA
2/16/2025 Lost Dutchman Marathon https://lostdutchmanmarathon.org/ 26.2 AZ USA
2/16/2025 Publix Fort Lauderdale A1A Marathon Weekend https://a1amarathon.com/ 26.2 FL USA
2/16/2025 Split Marathon https://www.splitmarathon.com/?lang=en 26.2 17 HRV
2/17/2025 Dalmatian Run Fest – Day 3 – Mia’s Marathon & Ultra https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/Bedford/DalmatianRunFest 26.2 TX USA
2/21/2025 Orcas Island 100 Miler https://www.rainshadowrunning.com/2023orcas100.html 100mi WA USA
2/22/2025 Copper Corridor Trail Runs https://www.aravaiparunning.com/copper/ 50K AZ USA
2/22/2025 Cummins Falls Marathon https://cumminsfallsmarathon.com/ 26.2 TN USA
2/22/2025 Mississippi Blues Marathon https://msbluesmarathon.events/ 26.2 MS USA
2/22/2025 Running From Yeti - Springfield, MO https://runsignup.com/Race/MO/Springfield/RunningFromYeti 26.2 MO USA
2/22/2025 Wilmington Marathon https://wilmingtonncmarathon.com/ 26.2 NC USA
2/23/2025 cowtown marathon https://www.cowtownmarathon.org/ 26.2 TX USA
2/23/2025 Malta Marathon https://www.maltamarathon.com/2025_lifestar_malta_marathon_23rd_february.htm 26.2 OTH MLT
2/23/2025 Ventura Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/CA/Ventura/VenturaMarathon?raceRefCode=G5UVVOMe&utm_source=RunSignUp&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=G5UVVOMe 26.2 CA USA
3/1/2025 Ellerbe Marathon https://theboogieraces.com/ellerbe.html 26.2 NC USA
3/1/2025 Myrtle Beach Marathon https://mbmarathon.com/ 26.2 SC USA
3/1/2025 Sierra Vista Trail Runs https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=121967 50K NM USA
3/1/2025 SoCal River Marathon https://www.socalmarathon.com/ 26.2 CA USA
3/1/2025 The Daydreamer https://www.runthedaydreamer.com/ 50K AZ USA
3/1/2025 The Woodlands Marathon https://www.thewoodlandsmarathon.com/ 26.2 TX USA
3/2/2025 Chattanooga Marathon https://www.chattanoogamarathon.com/ 26.2 TN USA
3/2/2025 Hyannis Marathon https://www.hyannismarathon.com/ 26.2 MA USA
3/2/2025 Little Rock Marathon https://littlerockmarathon.com/ 26.2 AR USA
3/2/2025 Napa Valley Marathon https://napavalleymarathon.org/ 26.2 CA USA
3/2/2025 Publix Atlanta Marathon https://www.atlantatrackclub.org/2025-publix-atlanta-marathon-weekend?gad_source=1 26.2 GA USA
3/2/2025 Tokyo Marathon https://www.marathon.tokyo/en/ 26.2 13 JPN
3/8/2025 Antelope Canyon Ultras https://www.vacationraces.com/ultras/antelope-canyon/ 50mi AZ USA
3/8/2025 Chili Pepper Series https://www.deadrunning.net/chili-pepper-series/ 26.2 NM USA
3/8/2025 CRAZY DESERT TRAIL RACE https://crazydesert.org 50K TX USA
3/8/2025 Griffith Park Trail Races https://secure.smore.com/n/ac2f4-griffith-park-trail-races 26.2 CA USA
3/8/2025 Jewel of the valley https://runsuperseries.com/jewelofthevalley 26.2 WA USA
3/8/2025 Jewel of the Valley Marathon https://runsuperseries.com/jewelofthevalley 26.2 WA USA
3/8/2025 Mesquite Canyon 50M/50K https://www.aravaiparunning.com/drt-series/mesquite-canyon/ Ultra AZ USA
3/8/2025 Run Through Time https://chaffeerunning.org/run-through-time-marathon-and-hard-half/ 26.2 CO USA
3/8/2025 Seneca Creek Greenway Trail Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/Gaithersburg/MCRRCSenecaCreekGreenwayTrailMarathon50K?aflt_token=vkmwDmweQ4iCYn8otSOOnKQ3vCO8buOw 26.2 MD USA
3/8/2025 Siuslaw Dunes 50k https://www.daybreakracing.com/siuslaw-dunes 50K OR USA
3/9/2025 Coast Guard Marathon https://coastguardmarathon.com/ 26.2 NC USA
3/15/2025 Asheville Marathon https://ashevillemarathon.com 26.2 NC USA
3/15/2025 Sierra Prieta 50K https://f4nmztdrrg.wordpress.com/author/f4nmztdrrg/ 50K AZ USA
3/16/2025 Big Island International Marathon https://bigislandmarathon.com/ 26.2 HI USA
3/16/2025 Los Angeles Marathon https://www.mccourtfoundation.org/event/los-angeles-marathon/ 26.2 CA USA
3/16/2025 Rome Marathon https://www.runromethemarathon.com/en/marathon/ 26.2 RM ITA
3/16/2025 Seoul Marathon https://en.seoul-marathon.com/ 26.2 OTH KOR
3/16/2025 Tobacco Road Marathon https://tobaccoroadmarathon.com/ 26.2 NC USA
3/16/2025 Yuengling Shamrock Marathon https://www.shamrockmarathon.com 26.2 VA USA
3/16/2025 Zydeco Marathon https://www.zydecomarathon.com/ 26.2 LA USA
3/18/2025 Gulf Coast Series Day 2 http://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/gulf-coast/ 26.2 LA USA
3/19/2025 Mainly Marathon Gulf Coast Day 3 - Gulfport MS https://mainlymarathons.com/calendar/ 26.2 MS USA
3/21/2025 Pirate’s Cove 6/12/24 Hour Run/Hike https://www.sdpiratescove12-24.com/ Ultra CA USA
3/22/2025 Bataan Memorial Death March https://bataanmarch.com/ 26.2 NM USA
3/22/2025 Crown King Scramble https://www.aravaiparunning.com/crown-king/ 50K AZ USA
3/22/2025 Pistol Ultramarathon https://www.pistolultra.com/ 50K TN USA
3/22/2025 Yeti 7 11 https://yetitrailrunners.com/yeti-7-11/ Ultra GA USA
3/23/2025 Limmasol Marathon https://www.limassolmarathon.com/index.php?pageid=151 26.2 03 CYP
3/23/2025 Mainly Marathons - Seneca https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/appalachian-series/ 26.2 SC USA
3/23/2025 Oakland Marathon https://oaklandmarathon.com/ 26.2 CA USA
3/23/2025 Virginia Marathon https://www.olddominionracing.com/virginia-marathon 26.2 VA USA
3/25/2025 Antarctica Marathon https://marathontours.com/en-us/events/antarctica-marathon-voyage-two/ 26.2 OTH ATA
3/27/2025 Mainly Marathons - Bluefield, WV https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/appalachian-series/ 26.2 WV USA
3/28/2025 Vernal Equinox 8/12/24/48 https://www.empowerultras.com/vernal-equinox 26.2 OH USA
3/29/2025 REND LAKE MARATHON https://www.rendlakemarathon.com/ 26.2 IL USA
3/29/2025 Savin Rock Marathon http://www.shorelinesharks.com/Events/Savin.htm 26.2 CT USA
3/29/2025 Yakima River Canyon Marathon and Half-Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/WA/Yakima/YakimaRiverCanyonMarathonandHalfMarathon 26.2 WA USA
3/30/2025 B&A Trail Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/SevernaPark/BAMarathonandHalfMarathon?aflt_token=vkmwDmweQ4iCYn8otSOOnKQ3vCO8buOw 26.2 MD USA
3/30/2025 Bakersfield Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/CA/Bakersfield/BakersfieldMarathonandHalf 26.2 CA USA
3/30/2025 Fort Smith Marathon https://fortsmithmarathon.org/ 26.2 AR USA
4/5/2025 Cheap Marathon https://www.millenniumrunning.com/cheapmarathon/ 26.2 NH USA
4/5/2025 REVEL Mt Charleston https://www.runrevel.com/rmc/register?team=1481131 26.2 NV USA
4/5/2025 Salisbury Marathon http://www.sbymarathon.com 26.2 MD USA
4/6/2025 Belgrade Marathon https://bgdmarathon.org/38th-belgrade-marathon-2025/?lang=en 26.2 OTH SRB
4/6/2025 Delaware Marathon https://www.delawaremarathon.org/ 26.2 DE USA
4/6/2025 Trailbreaker Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/WI/Waukesha/Trailbreaker 26.2 WI USA
4/12/2025 Hogeye Marathon https://hogeyemarathon.com/ 26.2 AR USA
4/12/2025 Milwaukee Marathon https://milwaukeemarathon.com/ 26.2 WI USA
4/12/2025 Streakers Marathon https://squawpeak50.com/streakers-marathon/ 26.2 UT USA
4/12/2025 Tushars Mountain Runs 100K/70K/Marathon https://www.aravaiparunning.com/whiskey-basin/ Ultra AZ USA
4/12/2025 Whiskey Basin 91K/60K https://www.aravaiparunning.com/whiskey-basin/ Ultra AZ USA
4/12/2025 Zion 100 https://runsignup.com/Race/UT/AppleValley/ZIONULTRAMARATHONS 100mi UT USA
4/13/2025 Bend Marathon https://www.bend-marathon.com/ 26.2 OR USA
4/13/2025 Coastal Delaware Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/DE/RehobothBeach/CoDelRun 26.2 DE USA
4/13/2025 European Championships https://brusselsleuven2025.com/ 26.2 BRU BEL
4/13/2025 Jersey City Marathon & Half Marathon Marquee Event https://www.jerseycitymarathon.com/ 26.2 NJ USA
4/13/2025 Mountains 2 Beach Marathon https://mountains2beachmarathon.com/ 26.2 CA USA
4/13/2025 ORRC Vernonia Marathon https://orrc.net/events/event-list/vernonia-marathon-and-half/ 26.2 OR USA
4/13/2025 Paris Marathon https://www.schneiderelectricparismarathon.com/en 26.2 75 FRA
4/13/2025 Peterson Ridge Rumble 40 miler https://www.runlikeardy.com/races/peterson-ridge-rumble/ Ultra OR USA
4/15/2025 Mainly Marathons - Lake Village, AR https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/riverboat/ 26.2 AR USA
4/18/2025 Capitan Mountain https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=116829 Ultra NM USA
4/19/2025 Brew City Marathon https://wisconsinruns.com/brewcityrun 26.2 WI USA
4/19/2025 Carmel Marathon https://www.carmelmarathon.com/ 26.2 IN USA
4/19/2025 Mendocino Coast 50K https://mendocinoultra.com/ 50K CA USA
4/19/2025 Newport Rhode Races Marathon https://rhoderaces.com/events/newport/ 26.2 RI USA
4/19/2025 Pineline Trail Marathon https://pinelinemarathon.weebly.com/ 26.2 WI USA
4/19/2025 Run the River https://www.deltaendurancellc.com/races/run-the-river-marathon?RL=1 26.2 WA USA
4/21/2025 Boston Marathon https://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon 26.2 MA USA
4/25/2025 Elm Creek Backyard Ultra https://backyardultra.com/races/elm-creek-backyard-ultra/ Ultra MN USA
4/26/2025 Chippewa 50k https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=119629 50K WI USA
4/26/2025 Garmin Olathe Marathon https://ozrun.org/ 26.2 KS USA
4/26/2025 Greater St. Louis Marathon https://gostlouis.org/races/greater-st-louis-marathon/ 26.2 MO USA
4/26/2025 Illinois Marathon https://illinoismarathon.com/ 26.2 IL USA
4/26/2025 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon https://derbyfestivalmarathon.com/ 26.2 KY USA
4/26/2025 Runs with Scissors https://runswithscissorsraces.weebly.com/ 50K CO USA
4/26/2025 Saddleback Marathon https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=122658 26.2 CA USA
4/26/2025 Salt Lake City Marathon http://www.saltlakecitymarathon.com 26.2 UT USA
4/26/2025 The Jim Thorpe Area Running Festival https://runjimthorpe.com 26.2 PA USA
4/26/2025 Troublesome Hollow 50K https://yetitrailrunners.com/troublesome-hollow-50k-25k/ 50K VA USA
4/26/2025 Zane Grey 50M/Marathon https://zanegrey50.com/ 50mi AZ USA
4/27/2025 2Slow4Boston https://2slow4boston.com/ 26.2 SC USA
4/27/2025 Big Sur Marathon https://www.bigsurmarathon.org/ 26.2 CA USA
4/27/2025 Eau Claire Marathon https://www.eauclairemarathon.com/ 26.2 WI USA
4/27/2025 Eugene Marathon https://www.eugenemarathon.com/ 26.2 OR USA
4/27/2025 Gettysburg North-South Marathon https://www.gettysburgfestivalofraces.com/ 26.2 PA USA
4/27/2025 London Marathon https://www.runningclubnorth.org/2024/05/registration-is-open-for-the-santa-claus-half-marathon-3/ 26.2 LON GBR
4/27/2025 Manchester Marathon https://www.manchestermarathon.co.uk/home/ 26.2 GTM GBR
4/27/2025 Mississauga Marathon https://www.mississaugamarathon.com/races/ 26.2 ON CAN
4/27/2025 Oklahoma City Marathon https://okcmarathon.com/event-information/faq/#component_7 26.2 OK USA
4/27/2025 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon https://okcmarathon.com/ 26.2 OK USA
4/27/2025 TCS London Marathon https://www.tcslondonmarathon.com/ 26.2 LON GBR
5/2/2025 Salt Flats Endurance Runs 50K https://saltflatsenduranceruns.com/ 50K UT USA
5/3/2025 Iron Horse Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/IA/Riceville/TheIronHorse 26.2 IA USA
5/3/2025 Shiprock Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/NM/Shiprock/ShiprockMarathon 26.2 NM USA
5/3/2025 Sunshine Double https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/WinterPark/SunshineDouble 26.2 FL USA
5/3/2025 Wisconsin Marathon https://wisconsinmarathon.com/ 26.2 WI USA
5/4/2025 Colorado Marathon https://comarathon.com/ 26.2 CO USA
5/4/2025 Flying Pig Marathon https://flyingpigmarathon.com 26.2 OH USA
5/4/2025 Georgina Spring Fling https://enduranceeventproductions.com/events/spring-fling-1-2-10km-5km/ 26.2 ON CAN
5/4/2025 Lincoln Marathon https://www.lincolnmarathon.org 26.2 NE USA
5/4/2025 Maine Coast Marathon https://www.mainecoastmarathon.com 26.2 ME USA
5/4/2025 OC https://ocmarathon.com/ 26.2 CA USA
5/4/2025 Pittsburgh Marathon https://www.thepittsburghmarathon.com/ 26.2 PA USA
5/4/2025 Providence Rhode Races https://runsignup.com/Race/RI/EastProvidence/ProvidenceRhodeRaces?rsus=200-501-7bef2a09-ed48-419a-aefb-31414bb3cd8d 26.2 RI USA
5/4/2025 Revel - White Mountains https://www.runrevel.com/rwm 26.2 NH USA
5/4/2025 Shipyard Maine Coast Half & Full Marathon https://www.mainecoastmarathon.com 26.2 ME USA
5/4/2025 Sunshine Double https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/WinterPark/SunshineDouble 26.2 FL USA
5/4/2025 Tacoma City Marathon https://tcmaevents.com/tacoma-city-marathon/ 26.2 WA USA
5/4/2025 Vancouver Marathon https://bmovanmarathon.ca/ 26.2 BC CAN
5/4/2025 Zeigler Kalamazoo Marathon https://www.zeiglerkalamazoomarathon.com/marathon 26.2 MI USA
5/9/2025 Maple Leaf Marathon - New England Challenge Day 1 https://www.starracing.org/newenglandchallenge 26.2 VT USA
5/10/2025 Conquer the Canuck https://www.conquerthecanuck.ca/race 50K ON CAN
5/10/2025 Granite State Marathon - New England Challenge Day 2 https://www.starracing.org/newenglandchallenge 26.2 NH USA
5/10/2025 Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon http://www.lakewobegontrailmarathon.org 26.2 MN USA
5/10/2025 Tillamook Burn 50M https://www.daybreakracing.com/tillamook-burn-50m 50mi OR USA
5/10/2025 Wildflower Trail Races https://www.trailracingovertexas.com/wildflower 26.2 TX USA
5/11/2025 Pine Tree Marathon - New England Challenge Day 3 https://www.starracing.org/newenglandchallenge 26.2 ME USA
5/11/2025 Sugarloaf Marathon https://www.sugarloaf.com/events/marathon 26.2 ME USA
5/11/2025 Tillamook Burn 50K https://www.daybreakracing.com/tillamook-burn-50k 50K OR USA
5/12/2025 3 Days at the Fair Marathon No. 1 Monday 5-12-25 https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/Augusta/3DATF 26.2 NJ USA
5/12/2025 Red Island State Marathon - New England Challenge Day 3 https://www.starracing.org/newenglandchallenge 26.2 RI USA
5/13/2025 3 Days at the Fair Marathon No. 2 Tuesday 5-13-25 https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/Augusta/3DATF 26.2 NJ USA
5/13/2025 Old Colony Marathon - New England Challenge Day 5 https://www.starracing.org/newenglandchallenge 26.2 MA USA
5/14/2025 3 Days at the Fair Marathon No. 3 Wednesday 5-14-25 https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/Augusta/3DATF 26.2 NJ USA
5/14/2025 Nutmeg State Marathon - New England Challenge Day 6 https://www.starracing.org/newenglandchallenge 26.2 CT USA
5/15/2025 3 Days at the Fair Marathon No. 4 Thursday 5-15-25 https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/Augusta/3DATF 26.2 NJ USA
5/17/2025 Cleveland Marathon https://www.clevelandmarathon.com/ 26.2 OH USA
5/17/2025 Great Wall Marathon https://great-wall-marathon.com/route-elevation 26.2 11 CHN
5/17/2025 Helsinki City Marathon https://helsinkicityrunningday.fi/en/helsinkicitymarathon/ 26.2 OTH FIN
5/17/2025 New River Marathon https://www.newrivermarathon.com/ 26.2 NC USA
5/17/2025 Ogden Marathon https://www.ogdenmarathon.com/ 26.2 UT USA
5/17/2025 Samson's Revenge https://www.runningwildevents.com/samson.html 50K CO USA
5/17/2025 Sun Mountain 50m/50k https://www.rainshadowrunning.com/sunmountain2021.html Ultra WA USA
5/18/2025 Med City Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/MN/Rochester/MedCityMarathon 26.2 MN USA
5/19/2025 Riga Marathon https://helsinkicityrunningday.fi/en/ 26.2 OTH FIN
5/24/2025 Prince of Wales Island Marathon https://www.powmarathon.org/ 26.2 AK USA
5/25/2025 Buffalo Marathon https://buffalomarathon.org/ 26.2 NY USA
5/25/2025 Coeur d'Alene https://runsignup.com/Race/ID/CoeurDAlene/nsplit 26.2 ID USA
5/25/2025 Malbun Marathon https://runmalbun.de/ 26.2 OTH LIE
5/25/2025 Ottawa Marathon https://www.runottawa.ca/ 26.2 ON CAN
5/31/2025 FANS Ultra Race https://fansultraraces.org/AboutFANS Ultra MN USA
5/31/2025 Fargo Marathon https://fargomarathon.com/ 26.2 ND USA
6/1/2025 Maritime Marathon https://www.maritimemarathon.org/ 26.2 WI USA
6/1/2025 Queen Bee Montana Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/MT/Billings/MTQueenBee13110K 26.2 MT USA
6/1/2025 Rock N Roll San Diego http://www.runrocknroll.com/san-diego/ 26.2 CA USA
6/1/2025 The Great Bangor Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/ME/Bangor/TheGreatBangorMarathonHalf 26.2 ME USA
6/7/2025 1/2 Sauer 1/2 Kraut Marathon https://www.ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=116782 26.2 PA USA
6/7/2025 Dam Yeti 55k/50 Mile https://yetitrailrunners.com/ 50K VA USA
6/7/2025 Green River Marathon, Relay, Half Marathon and 50K http://greenrivermarathon.com/results/2025_results.html/ 26.2 WA USA
6/7/2025 McKenzie River 50K https://mrtr.org/ 50K OR USA
6/7/2025 North Olympic Discovery Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/WA/PortAngeles/NorthOlympicDiscoveryMarathon 26.2 WA USA
6/7/2025 Sandhills Marathon https://sandhillsmarathon.net/ 26.2 CA USA
6/7/2025 Sinks Canyon 50K https://www.landerrunning.org/sinks-canyon-trail-races 50K WY USA
6/7/2025 THE NEW GREEN RIVER MARATHON, RELAY, HALF MARATHON AND 50K https://greenrivermarathon.com/results/2025_results.html 26.2 WA USA
6/7/2025 Utah Valley Marathon https://www.utahvalleymarathon.com/ 26.2 UT USA
6/7/2025 Williston Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/ND/Williston/WillistonMarathon 26.2 ND USA
6/14/2025 Snow Peaks 50 Mile Trail Run http://www.squawpeak50.com 50mi UT USA
6/15/2025 Manitoba Marathon https://manitobamarathon.mb.ca/ 26.2 MB CAN
6/16/2025 Charlevoix Marathon https://www.charlevoixmarathon.com/ 26.2 MI USA
6/20/2025 Bighorn 100M https://bighorntrailrun.com/ 100mi WY USA
6/20/2025 Second State Marathon - Tri-state Challenge Day 1 https://www.starracing.org/tristatechallenge 26.2 PA USA
6/21/2025 Alpine Solstice 53K https://www.alpinerunning.co/alpine-solstice-50k Ultra OR USA
6/21/2025 Anchorage Mayors Marathon https://www.anchoragemayorsmarathon.com/ 26.2 AK USA
6/21/2025 Bears Ears 50K/50M https://www.madmooseevents.com/bears-ears-ultra Ultra UT USA
6/21/2025 Bighorn Trail Run 34M/52M https://bighorntrailrun.com/ Ultra WY USA
6/21/2025 Grandmas Marathon https://grandmasmarathon.com/the-marathon/ 26.2 MN USA
6/21/2025 Zip Code 07662 Marathon - Tri-state Challenge Day 2 https://www.starracing.org/tristatechallenge 26.2 NJ USA
6/22/2025 XCelsior Marathon - Tri-state Challenge Day 3 https://www.starracing.org/tristatechallenge 26.2 NY USA
6/28/2025 Lewa Safari Marathon https://www.lewasafarimarathon.com/ 26.2 110 KEN
6/29/2025 Missoula Marathon https://www.missoulamarathon.org/ 26.2 MT USA
7/12/2025 Beaverhead Endurance Runs 100k/55K https://beaverheadrun.com/ Ultra ID USA
7/12/2025 Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon https://nmtc.run/curnow 26.2 MN USA
7/12/2025 Heartland Series Day 1 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/heartland//series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 OH USA
7/12/2025 Siskiyou Out Back https://siskiyououtback.com/ 50K OR USA
7/13/2025 Big Sky Marathon https://www.yellowstoneadventureseries.com/ 26.2 MT USA
7/13/2025 Heartland Series Day 2 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/heartland//series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 MI USA
7/13/2025 Mad Marathon https://www.madmarathon.com/ 26.2 VT USA
7/14/2025 Heartland Series Day 3 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/heartland//series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 IN USA
7/15/2025 Heartland Series Day 4 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/heartland//series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 IL USA
7/16/2025 Heartland Series Day 5 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/heartland//series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 IA USA
7/17/2025 Heartland Series Day 6 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/heartland//series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 WI USA
7/18/2025 Heartland Series Day 7 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/heartland//series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 MN USA
7/19/2025 Mesa Falls Marathon https://mesafallsmarathon.com/ 26.2 ID USA
7/19/2025 Summer Camp Day 1 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 MN USA
7/19/2025 Tahoe Rim Trail 100M/100K/50K https://trter.com/ Ultra NV USA
7/20/2025 Summer Camp Day 2 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 MN USA
7/21/2025 Summer Camp Day 3 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 MN USA
7/22/2025 Summer Camp Day 4 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 MN USA
7/23/2025 Summer Camp Day 5 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/minnesota-brothers-trail-series/ 26.2 MN USA
7/26/2025 Burning River https://www.westernreserveracing.com/races/burning-river-endurance-runs-relay/ Ultra OH USA
7/26/2025 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (day 1) https://runsignup.com/Race/WA/NorthBend/JackJillWA?aflt_token=vkmwDmweQ4iCYn8otSOOnKQ3vCO8buOw 26.2 WA USA
7/26/2025 Maah Daah Hey Trail Run Series https://www.experienceland.org/maah-daah-hey-trailrun 26.2 ND USA
7/27/2025 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (day 2) https://jackjillmarathon.com/ 26.2 WA USA
7/27/2025 San Francisco https://www.thesfmarathon.com/ 26.2 CA USA
8/5/2025 Alaska Series Day 1 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/alaska/ 26.2 AK USA
8/6/2025 Alaska Series Day 2 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/alaska/ 26.2 AK USA
8/7/2025 Alaska Series Day 3 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/alaska/ 26.2 AK USA
8/8/2025 Alaska Series Day 4 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/alaska/ 26.2 AK USA
8/9/2025 Wy'east Trailfest 50K https://www.daybreakracing.com/wyeast-trailfest-50k 50K OR USA
8/17/2025 Anchorage RunFest Marathon https://anchoragerunfest.org/ 26.2 AK USA
8/17/2025 ENDURrun International Marathon https://raceroster.com/events/2025/93522/the-endurrun-2025 26.2 ON CAN
8/17/2025 Leading Ladies & Dakota Spirit Marathon https://www.leadingladiesmarathon.com/ 26.2 SD USA
8/24/2025 New England Green River Marathon https://newenglandgreenrivermarathon.com/ 26.2 VT USA
8/24/2025 Sioux Falls Marathon https://www.siouxfallsmarathon.com 26.2 NE USA
8/28/2025 Front Range Ultra Dayze https://ultrasignup.com/m_entrants_event.aspx?did=118905#id1573353 100mi CO USA
8/30/2025 : East Canyon Marathon - 26.2 - 13.1 - 10K -5K http://www.eastcanyonmarathon.com 26.2 UT USA
8/30/2025 Labor Day Triple https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/Orlando/LaborDayTriple 26.2 FL USA
8/30/2025 Pocatello Marathon https://pocatellomarathon.com/ 26.2 ID USA
8/31/2025 Labor Day Triple https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/Orlando/LaborDayTriple 26.2 FL USA
8/31/2025 Sydney Marathon https://www.tcssydneymarathon.com 26.2 NSW AUS
9/1/2025 Labor Day Triple https://runsignup.com/Race/FL/Orlando/LaborDayTriple 26.2 FL USA
9/6/2025 Backcountry Rise https://www.daybreakracing.com/backcountry-rise/ 50K WA USA
9/6/2025 Lock 2 Lock Marathon https://2lowerunco.com/races/lock2lock 26.2 MD USA
9/7/2025 Beantown Marathon https://secure.getmeregistered.com/get_information.php?event_id=140337 26.2 MA USA
9/7/2025 Georgina Marathon https://enduranceeventproductions.com/events/georgina-marathon-and-half-marathon/ 26.2 ON CAN
9/7/2025 Queen City Marathon https://runqcm.ca/ 26.2 SK CAN
9/7/2025 Sackets Harbor Marathon https://www.sacketsharbormarathon.com 26.2 NY USA
9/7/2025 Sackets Harbor Marathon https://www.sacketsharbormarathon.com 26.2 NY USA
9/7/2025 Sundance to Spearfish Marathon https://stsmarathon.org/ 26.2 WY USA
9/13/2025 Revel Big Cottonwood https://www.runrevel.com/bcm/register?team=1484609 26.2 UT USA
9/17/2025 Center of the Nation Series Day 1 https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/center-of-the-nation/ 26.2 WY USA
9/20/2025 Air Force Marathon https://www.usafmarathon.com/air-force-marathon/#:~:text=Saturday%2C%20September%2020th%2C%202025%20at%207%3A30%20a.m. 26.2 OH USA
9/20/2025 Northwest Series Day 1 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/northwest/ 26.2 OR USA
9/21/2025 Bellingham Bay Marathon https://www.bellinghambaymarathon.org/ 26.2 WA USA
9/21/2025 Berlin Marathon https://www.bmw-berlin-marathon.com/en/ 26.2 BW DEU
9/21/2025 Fox Cities Marathon https://foxcitiesmarathon.org/ 26.2 WI USA
9/21/2025 Northwest Series Day 2 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/northwest/ 26.2 OR USA
9/22/2025 Northwest Series Day 3 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/northwest/ 26.2 WA USA
9/23/2025 Northwest Series Day 4 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/northwest/ 26.2 WA USA
9/24/2025 Northwest Series Day 5 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/northwest/ 26.2 ID USA
9/25/2025 Northwest Series Day 6 (Mainly Marathons) https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/northwest/ 26.2 ID USA
9/27/2025 Jackson Hole Marathon https://www.jacksonholemarathon.com/ 26.2 WY USA
9/27/2025 Monument Marathon https://www.monumentmarathon.com/ 26.2 NE USA
9/28/2025 Loch Ness Marathon https://lochnessmarathon.com/ 26.2 OTH SCT
9/28/2025 Omaha Marathon https://omaharun.org/events/omaha-marathon-2025#:~:text=the%20Omaha%20Marathon!-,Join%20us%20on%20Sunday%2C%20September%2028%2C%202025%2C%20for%20the,event%20back%20to%20its%20roots. 26.2 NE USA
9/29/2025 Center of the Nation Series Day 1 https://mainlymarathons.com/series-3/center-of-the-nation/ 26.2 WY USA
9/29/2025 Clarence Demar Marathon https://clarencedemar.com/ 26.2 NH USA
10/4/2025 Legends Never Die 55K https://suffer-fest.com/ Ultra ID USA
10/5/2025 Greenbrier River Trail Marathon https://www.grtmarathon.com/ 26.2 WV USA
10/5/2025 Lakefront Marathon https://www.milwaukeelakefrontmarathon.org/ 26.2 WI USA
10/5/2025 Maine Marathon https://mainemarathon.com 26.2 ME USA
10/5/2025 New Hampshire Marathon https://nhmarathon.com 26.2 NH USA
10/5/2025 Portland Marathon https://www.portlandmarathon.com/home 26.2 OR USA
10/5/2025 Run Crazy Horse https://www.runcrazyhorse.com/ 26.2 SD USA
10/5/2025 Run Crazy Horse https://www.runcrazyhorse.com/ 26.2 SD USA
10/5/2025 Twin Cities Marathon https://www.tcmevents.org/alleventsandraces/medtronictwincitiesmarathonweekend 26.2 MN USA
10/5/2025 Wineglass Marathon https://www.wineglassmarathon.com/ 26.2 NY USA
10/10/2025 Antelope Island Marathon - 26.2 - 13.1 - 10K - 5K http://www.onhillevents.com 26.2 UT USA
10/11/2025 Defiance 50k https://tcmaevents.com/defiance-50k/ 50K WA USA
10/12/2025 Bank of America Chicago Marathon https://www.chicagomarathon.com/ 26.2 IL USA
10/18/2025 Baltimore Running Fest Marathon https://www.thebaltimoremarathon.com/race-information-2/ 26.2 MD USA
10/18/2025 Rogue Gorge https://www.daybreakracing.com/rogue-gorge Ultra OR USA
10/19/2025 Columbia Gorge Marathon https://www.columbiagorgemarathon.com/ 26.2 OR USA
10/19/2025 Detroit Free Press Marathon https://www.freepmarathon.com/ 26.2 MI USA
10/19/2025 Grand Rapids Marathon https://www.grandrapidsmarathon.com 26.2 MI USA
10/19/2025 TCS Amsterdam Marathon https://www.tcsamsterdammarathon.eu/ 26.2 NH NLD
10/26/2025 Marine Corps Marathon https://www.marinemarathon.com/ 26.2 DC USA
11/1/2025 Deadman Peaks Trail Run https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=122462 50mi NM USA
11/1/2025 Ocean City Marathon https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/OceanCity/OceanCityRunningFestival?aflt_token=vkmwDmweQ4iCYn8otSOOnKQ3vCO8buOw 26.2 MD USA
11/2/2025 TCS New York City Marathon http://www.tcsnycmarathon.org/ 26.2 NY USA
11/8/2025 Revel Big Bear https://www.runrevel.com/rbb/register?team=1487726 26.2 CA USA
11/8/2025 Salina Crossroads Marathon https://www.runsalinacrossroads.com/ 26.2 KS USA
11/24/2025 Philadelphia Marathon https://www.philadelphiamarathon.com/races/marathon/ 26.2 PA USA
11/29/2025 NCR Marathon https://brrc.com/ncr/ 26.2 MD USA
12/6/2025 Brazos Bend 100 https://www.trailracingovertexas.com/brazos-100 50mi TX USA
12/7/2025 Valencia Marathon https://www.valenciaciudaddelrunning.com/en/marathon/maraton/ 26.2 OTH ESP
12/14/2025 Honolulu Marathon https://www.honolulumarathon.org/ 26.2 HI USA
12/20/2025 The Marathon Project https://www.themarathonproject.com/ 26.2 AZ USA